Emergencies and disasters happen every year in this world. It is just a matter of time before one happens where you live. Tsunamis, hurricanes, and tornados can be catastrophic. Each year, people are stranded for a few days due to ice or snow in their region. Disasters will happen. It is our responsibility to be prepared in the face of these emergencies. When preparing an emergency kit, there are many things you should remember to include in your stash.
Tools and Supplies
When packing tools and supplies, think about the things you would need in an emergency. What would you need if you were stuck in your house? A first-aid kit, flashlight, and battery-operated radio are extremely important. Also, remember to pack extra batteries. Matches and a crowbar are important as well. There are several things a crowbar can be used for. You can pry yourself out of tight spaces, break windows, or defend your family. If you would like to be even more prepared, tools such as a wrench, signal flare, sewing kit, pliers, duct tape, aluminum foil, and plastic containers are wise to pack in your emergency kit.
Water and Food
Food and water are perhaps some of the most important elements in your emergency kit. Most agencies used to recommend supplying a three-day stash, but many disasters last longer. Use your best judgment when it comes to the amount of food and water you bring. Food should always be nonperishable. You should include paper plates and utensils. For water, be sure to pack one gallon per person, per day in your emergency kit.
In your emergency kit, you should always pack at least one set of clothes per person in your family. In this set, make sure hats, gloves, shoes, and long underwear are included. Strong shoes are a must in your emergency kit as well. You never know if you will have heat or power during a disaster, so plan to keep warm. Pack heavy sleeping bags and blankets for each person.
Each family and each person has special needs. For example, if you have a baby in the family, be sure to pack a bottle and diapers. If you have someone who needs medicine, pack a supply of drugs. Games and toys are good to include in your emergency kit if you have children. Think about what your family might need and add those items.
An emergency kit should be kept in a place that is out of the way, but easy to locate in a disaster. Sometimes it is best to pack your items in many backpacks. This way, you could throw them in the car at a moment’s notice. Make sure you check your emergency kit at least twice a year to be sure everything is up to date. An emergency kit is the best chance your family has of survival in the face of a disaster.